I remember...

I remember many places around the world since I had traveled a lot with my family: the great wall of China, the pyramids of Egypt, the grand landscape of Kenya, the towering trees of Yosemite, the shining dome from Israel, and even the smell of the noodles from Vietnam. I remember many other experiences from more countries; however, there is this one special trip that I remember the most.

I remember the day when my mother told me that we were going on a long trip. I was reluctant to go since I knew I had to quit school and move to another one when I come back. I struggled to decide whether I should go or not. I remember crying, lying in my bed, for a reason I can't remember now. Looking at the twinkling stars outside the window, I decided to go, to experience new things, to try everything that I want to do. (that one moment) This moment, I had made the best decision in my life; this is how my special six-month trip started.

[ Korea -> Hawaii (3 months) -> Brazil (1 month) -> Hawaii (1 month) -> U.S (week) -> Japan (week) -> Korea ]

I remember from the beginning, from the moment I was out of the plane, adjusting myself to the brightness and the heat of Hawaii. Endless volcanic rocks had spread across my eyes, and fake aloha flowers were given from the information desk. When our ride came, I jumped inside it, hiding from the raging sun. I remember the place the van took us: the big school campus, the second story house that I lived in, the playground that I played all evening, the courts, restaurants, shops, and churches. I remember playing with my cute little green friend "gecko", and playing legos and nerf guns with my friends. I remember boogie boarding at Hapuna beach every week and watching the sun fall over the horizon. I still remember the splendid moment at Mt. Mouna Kea when the sun sunk into the clouds and the stars poured down on me. I remember my beautiful life in Hawaii; then, it was time to move on, experience the unknown.

I remember our next destination, Brazil Amazon. I remember all the crazy things that happened there: I stepped on an ant house which made my legs numb for 30 minutes; the mosquitos hunted me every day even though I had socks on my hands to avoid them; an alligator invaded our wood house; almost stepped on a coral snake; watched a guy swim in the river full of piranhas; was chased by hundreds of bees; and lost my camera in the swimming pool. These are the most spectacular memories I have.

After a month in Brazil, I remember visiting US and Japan. I had to wake up at 4:00 am to get on the Shinkansen (train), and we traveled from the bottom to the top of the country. I remember the games I had played with my little brother and the taste of the food on the train.

I remember the last day of the trip. I remember the moment I stepped in the door of my house; the warmth of the house and the sweetness of my bed welcomed me. Usually, after a trip, I would love my home and my bed. However this time, I missed the places; I was reluctant to lie back on my bed.


<Holding the Sun>
from the beach of Hawaii


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