Metafiction - "I've been made!"

So this is the plan:
1. Go into the dormitory and ring the emergency alarm bell of every floor.
2. When all students come out to the soccer field next to the dorm, pour a huge bag of flour at the center of the field from an airplane floating above the space.
3. Then throw some ostrich eggs from the rooftop of the dorm.
4. After that, pour Pasteur milk on top of everything, and make a huge dough.
5. The, like the water fight we do during 'MinjokJae', throw dough balls at each other. Be careful not to hit one's face! This is only the starting step for the "Big Graduation Mischief"..!
6. Then since everyone must have gotten all messed up by the dough, everybody scrapes the dough off their bodies into a huge pile.
7. The executive council takes the dough to the 12th floor of the dorm while everybody washes.
8. After everybody gathers in the gymnasium and the executive council brings in the bread.
9. Then begins the annual dare. Only the people with the most courage, strongest stomach and least rationality attempts at eating the bread baked from the dirty dough.
10. After one student succeeds in eating the bread, the rest of the students eat bread baked by the school bakers. This is the last time they can eat '
11. Next, since everyone suffered here from some teachers, we should get a chance to repay. Go to the lab and build the strongest slingshot possible. Then, visit your "favorite" teachers and go wham their faces with the leftover eggs remaining. What a pleasant surprise! We still have a long way to go.
12. This might be the most important part. It is called "fight or flight". Students should cover their whole body with things that were considered "illegal" or "against the school law". For example, women can wear pants, men and wear skirts and all students can wear ball caps, mufflers, earphones, slippers, colorful socks, and accessories. Of course, it is allowed to dye hair and do full makeup. Party time!!
13. Now that the school administrators have a reason to kick us out, we should prepare for the 'Grand Fight'. The department of broadcast will first make every electronic device go haywire so that the teachers cannot contact anyone outside for help.
14. The department of school library will bring out all the books from the library to build a barricade.
15. The department of physical education will recollect the slingshots and prepare for a heroic fight.
16. All the other students will build a giant raft that everyone can ride.
17. Make the slingshots work automatically.
18. When the huge raft is completed, let all students ride it and start moving the raft, utilizing the high altitude of the dorm, for the final escape from school as the best ending of our "Big Graduation Mischief"..!

Re. So this is the plan. - Mischief Managed.

The Great Mischief… It is the best plan I have ever seen! It will be our school’s LAST. We could overthrow the admins and change this old rotting school into a freshly baked apple pie. lol😂
We must prepare; I’ll order the eggs and flour. You contact the executive council for preparation. When the time comes, I’ll post this on our Facebook group, so that everyone can see. But be careful. We must keep this a secret. It will all turn to nothing if our dorm parent gets to know about this. Btw, I have some edits and comments to your plan. Check and see if its better.

2. *airplane -> drone / I have a drone, it will be easier to use it.
3. we should use normal cheap eggs instead of ostrich eggs. (Ostrich ones cost $35 per egg ^^)
16. For the giant raft, we could utilize the wheelchairs that we have.

P.S. One of the teachers seemed to know that we are going to do have some event. DELETE THIS LETTER AFTER YOU READ IT. Be extra careful.

“So, it was you who wrote this? It’s ridiculous. I’m out of words… What? School’s last? Rotten admins? Do you even realize what you just did? You can be handed over to the disciplinary committee for this.” said Mr. Kim.

I’ve been made by this teacher, who happens to be the head of the student administration department. Somebody had turned this paper in for reward points, and I was caught by what I said in the second edit: ‘I have a drone…’. I happened to be the only guy in this campus who had a drone. Ahh…

“Get ahold of yourself. You’re now just done with orientation. Who do you think you are? There are lines you shouldn’t cross. Don't write these stupid things when you are supposed to study!”

I was hearing his lectures for 20 minutes.

“And, what is up with graduation? You’re only a freshman now. Do you want to live your 3 years in school with my extra-special care? Did seniors force you to do this for them? Who was it?”

“It was me,” I replied. “And it is all going along as planned.”

This was all part of the plan.
+19. I’ll hold off Mr. Kim to earn time for initiation.


Emergency alarm rings.


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