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추천 가젯

An annoyance in my life, religion.

#religion #mainlyBS Just scribbles from my thoughts about religion, cuz recently I had some deep thoughts about it. Two options are in front of you. One , to help an ugly poor old man who somehow has giant wings attached and looks like an angel; Two , to clean a handsome dead body; Wouldn’t you take care of the angel, at least more than the dead body? Even if you don’t believe in such things as angels, the old man with wings is ALIVE and the body is cold DEAD ! Wouldn’t you reach out for the living? Well, Gabriel García Márquez answers differently through his magical short stories, “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” and “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings”: a dead body is praised like an angel, while the angel is treated as a dead animal. We judge people, ideas, and even religion, by its outer appearances. Even though some abhor the notion of lookism and stereotyping, there is no doubt that looks are important to giving people their first impression, at least. If we r

최근 글

Why don't you give up, or rather, take the safer option?

The Student & The Lady with the Dog

I believe in disbelief.

Metafiction - "I've been made!"

Relay Essay - "____________ is a place where ..."

FILM REVIEW - Black Mirror, Season 4, Episode 2 - Arkangel

I remember...

First photo - My Portrait